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Professor Kendrick C. Shih

Assistant Dean (Student Wellness & Engagement)


Clinical Associate Professor of Practice


Honorary Consultant (Ophthalmology), Queen Mary Hospital


Honorary Consultant (Ophthalmology), Grantham Hospital



MBBS, MRes(Medicine), MRCSEd, FCOphth HK, FHKAM (Ophthalmology), FHEA 

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(852) 2518 1430 / (852) 3962 1405

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The HKU Scholars Hub 香港大學學術庫


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About Professor Shih 關於施教授

Professor Kendrick Shih is a Clinical Associate Professor of Practice and Honorary Consultant at the Department of Ophthalmology. He graduated from HKUMed in 2009 with MBBS and MRes (Medicine) degrees and obtained his specialist qualifications in Ophthalmology in 2016. Kendrick was awarded the 2016 Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Gold Medal for Best Original Research by a Trainee (BORT) and was selected as a 2017 Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Distinguished Young Fellow (DYF). He was the recipient of the 2018 Asia Cornea Society Santen-Asia Educational Grant and underwent training in ocular surface research at the Singapore National Eye Centre under Professor Louis Tong. In the same year, he was also awarded the Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Achievement Award. Professor Shih currently has over 90 publications in international peer-reviewed journals.

愷廸眼科學系的臨床副教授和名譽顧問。他在2009年畢業於香港大學醫學院,獲得醫學士和醫學碩士學位,並在2016年取得眼科專科資格。施教授獲得2016年香港醫學專科學院最佳初級研究員(BORT)金獎,並被選為2017年香港醫學專科學院傑出青年研究員(DYF)。他獲得了2018年亞洲角膜學會Santen-Asia教育獎學金,並在新加坡國家眼科中心師从Louis Tong教授接受角膜表面研究培訓。同年,他還獲得了亞太眼科學會成就獎。施教授目前在國際同行評審期刊上發表了90多篇文章。

Professor Shih is available for student consultation between 12:00 noon to 2:00 PM on Thursdays. Please kindly contact Professor Shih at for further arrangements.

施教授每週四中午 12:00 至下午 2:00 為學生提供諮詢。請電郵至 與施教授聯絡以作進一步安排。

Web of Science Researcher ID: E-9883-2010

Key Offices 主要辦事處

  • Council Member, College of Ophthalmologists of Hong Kong

  • Council Member, Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Trauma Society

  • Council Member, Asia Pacific Ocular Imaging Society

  • Editorial Board Member (Cornea and External Eye Diseases), Asia Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology

  • Societal Challenges Subcommittee Member, TFOS: A Lifestyle Epidemic Workshop 

  • Global Ambassador, Tear Film and Ocular Surface Society

  • Director, Lions Eye Bank of Hong Kong

  • Volunteer Faculty Member, Orbis International

Research Interests 研究興趣

  • Sight threatening ocular surface diseases 眼表疾病

  • Cornea wound healing 角膜傷口癒合

  • Artificial intelligence-assisted clinical decision making 人工智能輔助臨床決策

  • Myopia control 近視控制

Selected Publications (In order of Most Recent) 選定的出版物(按最近的順序)

(*Corresponding Authors 通訊作者)

  1. ​Wong HL, Hung LT, Kwok SS, Bu Y, Lin Y, Shum HC, Wang H, Lo ACY, Yam GHF, Jhanji V, Shih KC, Chan YK, The anti-scarring role of Lycium barbarum polysaccharide on cornea epithelial-stromal injury, Experimental Eye Research. 2021. *

  2. Wong H.L., Bu Y., Chan Y.K. and Shih K.C., Lycium barbarum polysaccharide promotes corneal Re-epithelialization after alkaline injury, Experimental Eye Research. 2022, 109151. *

  3. Poon SH, Wong WH, Lo AC, Yuan H, Chen CF, Jhanji V, Chan YK, Shih KC. A Systematic Review on Advances in Diagnostics for Herpes Simplex Keratitis. Surv Ophthalmol. 2020 Nov 10:S0039-6257(20)30138-7. *

  4. Hui P.Y., Cheung M.C., Perera R.A.P.M., Ng K.C., Bui H.T., Ho C.W.J., Ng M.M.T., Kuok I.T., Shih K.C., Tsao G.S.W., Poon L.M.L., Peiris J.S.M., Nicholls J.M. and Chan M.C.W., Tropism, replication competence, and innate immune responses of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in human respiratory tract and conjunctiva: an analysis in ex-vivo and in-vitro cultures, The Lancet Respiratory Medicine. 2020.

  5. Shih K.C., Chan J.C.H., Chen J.Y. and Lai J.S.M., Ophthalmic clinical skills teaching in the time of COVID-19: A crisis and opportunity, Medical Education. 2020. *

  6. Kwok SS, Wong F -Y, Shih KC, Chan Y-K, Bu Y, Chan T -Y, Ng A -K, Lo A -Y, Tong L, Yam G -F, Jhanji V. Lycium barbarum Polysaccharide Suppresses Expression of Fibrotic Proteins in Primary Human Corneal Fibroblasts. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2020; 9(11):3572. *

  7. Bu Y., Shih K.C., Kwok S.S., Chan Y.K., Lo A.C.Y., Chan T.C.Y., Jhanji V. and Tong L., Experimental modelling of cornea wound healing in diabetes: clinical applications and beyond, BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care. 2019, 7,e000779. *

  8. Ma A., Mak M.S., Shih K.C., Tsui C.K., Cheung R.K., Lee S.H., Leung H., Leung J.N., Leung J.T., Van-Boswell M.Z., Wong M.T., Ng L.K.A., Lee C.H.P., Jhanji V. and Tong L., Association of long-term glycaemic control on tear break up times and dry eye symptoms in Chinese patients with type 2 diabetes, Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology. 2018. *

  9. Chuang J.,Shih K.C., Chan T.C.Y., Wan K.H., Jhanji V. and Tong L., Preoperative optimization of ocular surface disease before cataract surgery, Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. Elsevier, 2018, 43 (11), 1596 – 1607. *

  10. FU L., Fung K.C.F., Lo A.C.Y., Chan Y.K., So K.F., Wong Y.H.I., Shih K.C.and Lai J.S.M., Transcorneal Electrical Stimulation Inhibits Retinal Microglial Activation and Enhances Retinal Ganglion Cell Survival After Acute Ocular Hypertensive Injury, Translational Vision Science and Technology.2018, 7:3 *

Selected Achievements 當選成就

  • 2021 Faculty Teaching Medal, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

  • 2021 Japanese Ophthalmology Society Young International Investigator Award 

  • 2021 Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Best Young Ophthalmologist Influencer Award

  • 2020 Li Shu Pui Medical Foundation Fellowship

  • 2020 Asia Pacific Professors in Ophthalmology – Academic Development Mentorship Scheme Award

  • 2019 Japan Cornea Conference Best Poster Award

  • 2018 Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Achievement Award

  • 2018 Asia Cornea Society-Santen Asia Educational Grant

  • 2017 Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Distinguished Young Fellow Award

  • 2016 Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Gold Medal for Best Original Research by Trainee

  • 2016 Best of Section Paper (Glaucoma), Annual Meeting of the European Association for Vision and Eye Research (EVER)

Research Laboratories 研究實驗室

Ocular Surface Disease Lab.png

Ocular Surface Disease Lab



Ocular Epidemiology Unit.png

Ocular Epidemiology Unit




We strive for research excellence, professional and public education as well as clinical and community services for empowering positive change of the society.




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Hong Kong




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