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Introduction of Augmented Reality (AR) technologies to educate medical students the visual symptoms and progression of important vision-threatening diseases
利用增強現實 (AR) 技術教育醫學生重要眼睛疾病的視覺症狀

2020 HKU Teaching Development Grant

Medical students often learn about the visual symptoms of vision threatening diseases through textbooks. However, vision is a perception and the best way to appreciate visual impairment is through first-person experience. Augmented Reality (AR) technology provides a fascinating tool to simulate the visual symptoms of various eye diseases and therefore provides a first-person learning experience for the medical students. In this project, through immersive AR experience and simulation-based training, our medical students gain a first-person experience of visual symptoms and appreciate how eye diseases can compromise daily activities.


醫學生通常通過教科書學習眼睛疾病的視覺症狀。本項目利用增強現實 (AR) 技術能模擬各類眼睛疾病的視覺症狀,為醫學生提供了親身的學習體驗,並了解及感受眼睛疾病如何影響視障人士的日常生活。

Principal Investigator 首席研究員

Dr. Joseph YK Chan 陳佑祺博士

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