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The Department of Ophthalmology bids a warm farewell to Professor Wai Ching Lam 香港大學眼科與林偉青教授道別

The Department of Ophthalmology bids a warm farewell to Professor Wai Ching Lam 香港大學眼科與林偉青教授道別

Today, HKU Ophthalmology bids farewell to Professor Wai Ching Lam, Albert Bing Ching Young Professor in Ophthalmology after six wonderful years with us. 度過了美好的六年之後,今天我們香港大學眼科向楊秉正基金教授席 (眼科)的林偉青教授道別。


Photo: A zoom-styled farewell gathering on the 14th of April 2022. Thank you to our colleagues and friends for joining this warm and loving event.


Professor Wai Ching Lam joined our department in 2016 as a world-leading expert in vitreo-retina and a highly regarded ophthalmic teacher. Prior to his appointment at HKU, Professor Lam served as Professor of Ophthalmology and Residency Programme Director at the University of Toronto, Canada. During his time with us, Professor Lam greatly enhanced our training programmes and brought international recognition to our young department. Professor Lam served as the chief of service in Ophthalmology at Queen Mary Hospital and at the University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital, where he introduced important new services and streamlined clinical workflow, thereby greatly reducing waiting times for procedures such as intra-vitreal injections. He also gifted the patients of Hong Kong his marvellous expertise in paediatric vitreo-retinal diseases. Throughout his six years, Professor Lam has always been exceptionally gentle, kind and patient to all.

林教授於 2016 年加入我們香港大學眼科。林教授是世界知名的玻璃體視網膜專家,更是一名備受同僚推崇的眼科教師。在加入我們部門之前,林教授曾擔任加拿大多倫多大學眼科教授和住院醫師項目主任。林教授在香港大學眼科任職期間,大大強化了我們部門的培訓計劃,並令我們這年輕的部門得到國際認可。此外,林教授亦兼任香港瑪麗醫院和香港大學深圳醫院眼科主任,其中引入了重要的新服務並簡化了臨床工作流程,從而縮短了玻璃體內注射等程序的等待時間。 林教授 還向香港患者展示了他在兒童玻璃體視網膜疾病方面的非凡專長。六年來,林教授對所有人,不論同事及患者,都很溫柔、善良和耐心。

Professor Lam will be returning to Canada to take up Ophthalmology headship at the Vancouver General Hospital. While we are greatly saddened by his departure, we have also gained a new collaborator and a lifelong friend of the department. We wish Professor Lam the very best in his new position and we look forward to continuing our work together.

林教授將返回加拿大擔任溫哥華總醫院眼科的負責人。雖然我們香港大學眼科非常不捨得他的離開,但從另一角度看我們部門也獲得了一位新的合作夥伴和終生的朋友。 我們祝願林教授在他的新崗位上一切順利,並期待著我們跟林教授將來的合作。

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